Day and Swing Trading Options – 5K Challenge Room

Performance Results


5K Challenge Trading Room Features

Day and Swing trading are two strategies we use in our Gold and Platinum trading rooms, respectively. We’ve consolidated both of the trading rooms into one but there are different trades from the ones in the Gold and Platinum trading rooms. It’s one dedicated trader for our 5K Challenge trading room implementing a those 2 strategies into one trading room.

Discipline and risk management is one of the key factors needed when trading within the 5K Challenge trading room. This is due the the sizing needed for this 5K funded portfolio, so it’s always crucial to size accordingly.

Not only are we doing day trades, but we also have week long positions that focus on swing trading from time to time. The expiration dates are typically 0DTE for day trading and Weeklys for swing plays.

Below we will talk more about the guidelines in the 5K Challenge trading room.

In our 5K Challenge Trading Room, we have a couple of guidelines that are needed to be understood. See below:


Most of our positions vary at different times in the day. 

Risk Management is understood to be a Full Size ($500) or Half Size ($250).

Trades are based of a 5K funded account.


These are some of the significant guidelines to follow when you join our 5K Challenge Trading Room. Following a trading plan is crucial when day trading as things can shift very quickly when day trading.

5K Challenge Trading Room Example

Entry / Exit Signals

In this SPX example, we call out what stock option position we are watching We give the Strike Price, Call/Puts, and expiration date when not shown it's assumed it's 0DTE. Additionally, Once the market starts to move, we start calling out the trim prices in real-time. This allows you as the trader to follow our position second by second. As we profit, you do as well.

Managing the Position

Positions are managed differently based on their progress and how fast they gain profits. 

Day trades are managed more vigilantly than swing trades. Swing trades have a longer hold period which is usually notified by expiration date being Weekly expirations

When the first trim is called out, we exit a majority of the position and let our runners run. For our runners, we will call out additional trims/scales.

These trims and scales are considered out exit signals.

Entry / Trim or Scale / Close are the 3 signals which will be called out to show how to manage the position.

For our entry, the sizing goes as follows for 5K funded account:

Full Position ($500)

Half Position ($250)

If a entry is signaled as lotto/light/risky, we are only doing a half position as the setup has more risk.

Stop Loss

Stop losses will vary depending on which strategy is being used. All trades will receive an exit signal which are opened in the 5K Challenge Trading Room.

For profitable trades, once the first trim/scale is called out, we automatically set our Stop Loss to breakeven. This allows us to let the play run with no risk. 


Our 5K Challenge Trading Room is made for a variety of trades which can come in the low or high velocity of options trades that depend on the markets. Below is what we would consider a good candidate to start in our 5K Challenge Trading Room:


Intermediate or Expert to options trading.

Active trade monitoring.

Broker account over 5K+ to start. (Recommended)


The only requirement we highly recommend is the account that will be traded must have more than 5K in its account balance. This is due to the high number of contracts or high premiums for the stock option position which is assumed in the trading room.

The reason for this is that we’re trying to give all entry signals in real-time. This allows us to get the signal out faster.

Our alerts come from the Telegram app. If you have any questions, please reach out to us. You can contact us through one of the following:


-Telegram: @stockkingoptions (fastest!)

-Text Us: (305) 697-5405

-Instagram: @stockkingoptions

-Email Us:


If you’re looking for trading rooms that are focused on day or swing trading, we have 2 additional options day trading room specified for those specific strategies. Check out some of our other rooms below.


If the 5K Challenge Trading Rooms seem like a good fit. Use the following link below to sign up. Once you sign up, we can get you set up quickly.

Just reach out to us on Telegram: @stockkingoptions (preferred) with the email you signed up with and we’ll get you going. Sign up through the link below:

Stock Option Service

SKO – 5K Challenge Trading Room Access. 

Trading strategy: Day and Swing Trading

# of Signals: 2-3+ Signals/Daily

Perfect for the Intermediate/Expert trader looking to take advantage of 0DTE and Weekly expiration stock option positions

cropped SKO Logo NO Background new 1

Signals are Focused on Swing Trading Stock Options.

Signals are Focused on Day Trading Stock Options.

SKO 5K Challenge No background

Signals are Focused on Day and Swing Trading Stock Options.

You've Got Questions

We Have Answers

Yes, you can. Just let us know and we'll make sure your signed up to the desired trading rooms

The difference between each trading room is the style of trading:

Gold  - Swing Trading

Platinum - Day Trading

5k  - Day and Swing Trading

Takes around 5 Minutes. Once signed up, send us the email you sign up with to our Telegram support and we'll send you a link to join the trading room.

Of course! These are the quickest ways to get a hold of us:

Phone: 305-697-5405

Telegram: @stockkingoptions

Website: Support Chat

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