Stock King Options is here to provide entry and exit signals for option trading. We offer two types of membership: Gold Membership and Platinum Membership. In this article we will be talking about the Gold membership for our stock options trading room.
The gold membership offers traders to trade based on some trades. Trades in the gold membership usually are buying holds it for a one day or one week. Depending if we hit profit target of 40% per trade.
There are some instances where we hold a trade for longer periods depending on the strength of the trade. We offer a gold membership at $89 a month.
What we’ve seen with this trading roommates that would benefit traders who are concerned about the PTD rule. As we do have some instances where we do have day trading occur, The loophole of getting around is PDT rule is to have one account in Robinhood and one account in TD Ameritrade think or swim.
We offer stock option trading alerts with updates in between to give the trader the option of cashing out on their position. The process goes as follows: We call the entry Which includes the stock symbol, call or put, Strike price and contract price. As we know the stock option prices do you change very rapidly, if you’re able to get the option as close to the entry Price or lower, that is the best position you could have on our trade alerts.
Stock King Options has a dedicated trader to our Gold Membership options trading room. We have partnered with a successful trader who has his set of style of trading. We then update the trading room with his given entry positions, Update as we keep an eye on the position, and call out the exit percentage once the alert is made.
Please see the given screenshots to see examples of the trades.
We hope you’re able to join on of our trading rooms and you will be able to profit with us as one of our members for either options trading room.
If you have any questions please reach out to us on Instagram or by email.
Let’s earn these profits together as a trading community!
If your are interested in day trading check out our Platinum Membership. We are growing on a daily basis!
Also, we offer free trading tools which you can take advantage of. Here we offer multiple resources for beginner and day traders! We have top stocks options as well as other souces as well that you can take advantage of.